From stuffy noses, to aching headaches, to sore throats, winter colds are one of the inevitable illnesses we can expect to have at some point. With so many people to see and things to do during the holidays, you can rest assure that this is not something you may be able to hibernate with until you feel completely well again. Fortunately, you don’t have to. The following eleven tips will help to naturally reduce your symptoms and conquer the seasonal illness.
1. Drink Ginger Tea
Ginger is a powerful antiviral root that helps stop cold symptoms if you catch it early enough. It helps fight respiratory problems and strengthens immunity. It also helps stomach issues, nausea, menstrual discomfort, and relieves stress. Mix warm water with freshly sliced ginger root, fresh lemon juice, and honey and enjoy on a cold winter day.
2. Oil of Oregano
Oregano is a plant whose leafs are used to make medicine. Nicknamed, “Urine of Satan,” this horrible tasting oil does wonders. It is used for respiratory tract disorders such as coughs, asthma, croup, and bronchitis. Many other of its uses include: heartburn, bloating, intestinal parasites, allergies, arthritis, and earaches. It is also topically used as an insect repellent.
Place 3-4 drops under your tongue and quickly chase down with a cup of water to dilute the taste. You can also add this to a diffuser or vaporizer to reduce chest and nasal congestion. Take several times throughout the day until you feel better.
3. Salt water rinse or nasal spray
Salt water helps reduce nasal congestion while removing bacteria and clearing viruses. Mix ¼ teaspoon salt, ¼ teaspoon baking soda, and 8 oz. boiled and filtered warm water. Fill a bulb syringe or Neti Pot and squirt into one nostril while plugging the other. Let it drain and repeat on the other side.
If you are opting for a salt water rinse, gargle the solution for a few seconds before spitting it out.
4. Use heat
Use a warm heating pad or warm compress and place it over your chest to break up chest congestion. This will also help increase blood flow and relieve soreness in the area. Use several time a day for 15-20 minutes at a time.
5. Sleep sitting up
Lying on your back can cause irritated sinuses to fill with mucus. Sitting up while resting or sleeping with an extra pillow can help relieve congestion by draining the sinuses.
6. Drink lots of fluids
Aim to drink 8-10 8-oz glasses of water daily. Try to avoid sugary drinks and too much alcohol, since they can suppress your immune system and dehydrate you, making you more prone to a cold.
7. Honey
Unpasteurized, raw, honey is an antimicrobial agent and antioxidant. It helps to boost your immune system, suppresses coughs, and helps kick off viruses. Stirring honey into warm water and mixing it with lemon can soothe a sore throat or cough.
8. Vitamin C
Vitamin C and cold prevention has been a controversial subject. Many studies claim that it cannot help alleviate your cold symptoms. However, there are many studies that say taking Vitamin C before a cold will help shorten the period of your symptoms. Taking 1000-3000mg for a short period of time will help boost your immune system.
9. Zinc
Zinc lozenges help reduce symptoms of a cold if you start taking them as soon as you start to feel symptoms. Studies have found them to reduce symptoms by as much as 50%. It also helps infections and heals wounds.
10. See your acupuncturist
An acupuncture treatment can help boost your immune system, open your airways, and relieve your body of stress. This will help you kick off the illness and help your body to recover. Acupuncture is also a great preventative measure to decrease your risk of a cold or the flu. It can help manage symptoms and support faster healing, shortening the length of the illness.
11. Relax
Obviously, if your body is in stress mode, your immune system drops and you are more prone to any type of illness. Make sure to get enough sleep, fuel your body with nourishing foods, and keep exercising through the holidays. A relaxed body is a strong body, and if you treat it right, can help defend you against these nagging illnesses.
These natural remedies should also be considered to prevent colds, so you can catch it before it even starts. Incorporating an all-around healthy lifestyle will ensure for the healthiest you. If you are feeling ill, it is best to advise with your doctor and other healthcare providers about your treatment. Stay warm and stay well!