Facial Acupuncture - All You Need To Know
Facial Acupuncture is a dream come true when it comes to healing your skin from within. The natural facial rejuvenation treatment has been extremely popular with those wanting to treat their skin issues and signs of aging from a more holistic approach. Facial Acupuncture works similarly to micro-needing, except that it has many health benefits as well.
Benefits of Facial Acupuncture:
- Softer, firmer skin
- Clearer complexion
- Reduction of acne and breakouts
- Reduction in redness
- Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
- Improvement in jowl lines
- Improvement in under eye bags/ swelling
- Improvement in smile lines and crows feet
Although not visually as dramatic as a surgical procedure, Cosmetic Acupuncture also has many healthy “side effects.” Besides the obvious visual changes, patients have reported:
- Decreased inflammation
- Improved digestion
- Better quality sleep
- Reduction of hot flashes
- Elimination of mild depression and anxiety
- Improved energy
- Overall sense of well-being
How Does It Work?
Just like when you get a paper cut, your body has a natural healing process the causes the production of new tissue. Acupuncture works the same way. By inserting needles into the skin and causing “micro – traumas,” or breakages, the brain is tricked into producing collagen and stimulating blood flow and elastin for wound healing. This is why it can be compared to micro-needling. The needling, which is done at the level of the dermis, may also stimulate neurotransmitter production.
From the Chinese Medicine perspective, when needles are inserted to certain points throughout the body and face, qi and blood are being brought to the face, qi is being lifted, and the body’s energetic systems are being put into balance. The needles stimulate balance and flow of qi, which is the energy force in our bodies, according to Chinese Medicine. This is why the wonderful side effects occur.
Is Facial Acupuncture An Alternative To Botox and Fillers?
Cosmetic Acupuncture can be used as an alternative to Botox and fillers, however, it is not going to produce such extreme results. Acupuncture does not paralyze or freeze your muscles, so you will still have movement in your facial muscles.
It is an excellent option if you do not like Botox or fillers, however, some individuals may prefer the more extreme, immediate, results of these treatments.
Facial Acupuncture does take time to see results, so someone wanting immediate, more obvious results would opt for Botox. Botox and fillers can still be used in conjunction with acupuncture, but you need to wait at least two weeks from receiving Botox and fillers before you can receive a facial acupuncture treatment.
Are There Any Side Effects?
Because the needling is very superficial, at the surface of the dermis, the procedure is very low risk. The side effect to facial acupuncture is occasional bruising where the needles are inserted.
There is no downtime or need to “stay out of the sun” after a session.
What Is A Session Like?
A typical session will start with a consultation to learn what you, as the patient, are hoping to achieve. Your practitioner will take into account all aspects of your life from digestion, sleep, menstruation, injuries, and diet. They will determine your current state of wellness and internal health issues that will be needed to be treated during the session.
The treatment consists of about 40-50 tiny needles in the face, and about 12 needles throughout the body. Needles are left in for 20-30 minutes.
The frequency of treatment will depend on the individual, taking into account their health history. Patients wanting more visual results, and are over 35 years of age, will usually need a series of treatments within about a two-month span. Patients will greatly benefit if they maintain results once every month or every other month, depending on age and other health related issues.
Does Facial Acupuncture Hurt?
Just like traditional acupuncture, there will be certain areas that may be more sensitive than others. Sometimes a “tingling” or “stinging” sensation is felt, but not for more than a few seconds.
How Much Does Facial Acupuncture Cost?
For each session, prices vary from $50 - $300, depending on the location and practitioner. You may also be offered a discount if you purchase several sessions at once.
Facial Acupuncture is amazing in that you are not only cosmetically treating visual changes in the face, but also healing the body during the treatment. By stimulating your body’s natural collagen production and blood flow, cosmetic acupuncture can help you not only look, but feel younger and healthier.
Andie Ibarra, D.C., Holistic Healing
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